My passion is to inspire people to live a higher vibration lifestyle, guided by Spirit, filled with gratitude and Light, connected to Higher Power for knowledge and health. I offer inspirational presentations, 1:1 body-mind-spirit coaching, and hands-on and online workshops to inspire people to create a meaningful life of happiness, joy, abundance, fitness, gratitude and love. Using integrative medicine and wellness techniques, one discovers a healthier lifestyle to express one’s potential for a more significant life, consciously connecting body-mind-spirit.
Rev. Dr. Theresa A. Schmidt, DD, is an integrative wellness practitioner, certified Karuna Reiki Master Instructor, Hypnotist, and Shamanic Practitioner. She is founder of the My MetaPhysical Therapist and Educise Health & Wellness in NH. She has practiced traditional and wholistic healing arts for over 30 years. Her metaphysical healing background includes training with leaders in the field including:
- Dolores Kreiger’s Therapeutic Touch
- Barbara Brennan’s Hands of Light
- Michael Petronio of Rand’s International Center for Reiki Training
- Michael Harner’s Foundation for Shamanic Studies, Dana/ Shana Robinson, Nan Moss
- Sandra Ingerman’s Shamanic Journeying 1 & 2
- Denise Guerringue’s Shamanic Journeying and Drumming Circle
- Eliot Cowan’s Animal Totems from Plant Spirit Medicine
- Stephen Thayer’s Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) with Dona Ho Lightsey
- Anthony Robbins’ Life Mastery, Date with Destiny, Unleash the Power Within Firewalk, Wealth Mastery
- Upledger Institute’s Craniosacral Therapy
- Robert Jokel’s Integrated Immune Strengthening Therapy
- John Barnes’ Myofascial Release, Somatoemotional Release (Unwinding) & more!
Rev. Dr. Schmidt has presented seminars for NASA Inomedic, Johns Hopkins, Cleveland Clinic, Vanderbilt Medical, International Fascia Research Congress, and major hospitals and clinics across the US and Canada. She published her research in the peer-reviewed journal MOJ Orthopedics and Rheumatology, and in the best-seller My Journey to the Stage, Vol. 4, as well as Massage today and Massage Therapy Journal.
Want to inspire your next conference attendees or staff at your office? Contact us for an educational experiential workshop for your team today!
Connect with us here: click the links or call 877-281-3382
- Women’s Prosperity Network: Certified Professional Speaker
- National Association of Professional Women, Woman of the Year 2013-14
- Fascia Research Society, Founding Member
- American Massage Therapy Association
- International Association for Reiki Training
Address:My MetaPhysical Therapist P.O. Box 498 Newbury NH 03255 | ::|:: Phone/Fax: 877-281-3382 ::|:: E – Mail