

December 10, 2014 An Interview Series by Theresa A. Schmidt, DPT,MS,OCS,LMT,CEAS Today’s interview has a special focus on home care and skilled nursing home PT experiences. This is the actual transcript of the live interview. Today we have the pleasure to meet with Kathy Miller, PT, who is a home care physical therapist with 30 years […]


LEADING THE WAY: INTERVIEWS WITH PASSIONATE PTs AND THE SECRETS TO SUCCESS: How Did They Do It? An Interview with Carrie Cameron, PT, author of the outstanding text: Multidimensional Healing

Are you feeling satisfied with your work?  Do you think you are making a significant difference?  Remember when you were just starting out, so excited, curious and ready for the big adventure?  You got through the grueling essays, the endless exams, the boards, and now  you are officially a licensed therapist.  Are you still excited,

LEADING THE WAY: INTERVIEWS WITH PASSIONATE PTs AND THE SECRETS TO SUCCESS: How Did They Do It? An Interview with Carrie Cameron, PT, author of the outstanding text: Multidimensional Healing Read More »

What to do when administration tells you to documentation more time than actually provided

Challenge: In the same SNF, the administration told staff they must put in for more time on the documentation than the time actually provided giving services. They say it is necessary to “keep the doors open”. Simultaneously, the administration brought in an interior decorator to refurbish the entire building with art, new brightly colored geometric

What to do when administration tells you to documentation more time than actually provided Read More »

You are unable to improve mobility in a client with a total knee replacement, despite doing ROM and exercises.

Challenge: You are unable to improve mobility in a client with a total knee replacement, despite doing ROM and exercises. They say they are doing their home program, but it is still painfully tight. What do you do?

You are unable to improve mobility in a client with a total knee replacement, despite doing ROM and exercises. Read More »

How to encourage your clients to comply with Home Programs

Challenge: The client with the frozen shoulder presents with the same stiffness as the last two visits. You ask her about her home program. She does not even remember what exercises you taught her. Apparently, she is not complying with the home program. What do you say or do to encourage compliance? This is one

How to encourage your clients to comply with Home Programs Read More »

Dealing with clients with muscle pain and very tender trigger points

You are working on a client with muscle pain and very tender trigger points (TPs). As you dig into the muscle with manual therapy or massage, the client is jumping and complaining about the pain. What do you do? Choices: 1. Keep digging, you think, no pain, no gain. 2. Stop digging and work on

Dealing with clients with muscle pain and very tender trigger points Read More »

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