
Topics by Educise

Educise is excited to announce our webinars and home study are sponsored by outstanding education companies.

Join Dr. Theresa for the latest live webinars & home study you can discover at your own pace.


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  1. Integrative Pain Management: Relieving Pain Naturally (2-3 hr.)
  2. Cupping Therapy Intro: Clinical Use of Tools for Scars and Stiffness (3 hr.)
  3. Cupping Therapy Clinician (1-2-day live seminar with lab or home study)
  4. Myofascial Release Clinical Applications (1-day lab or 4 hr. home study)
  5. Myofascial Release Clinician 2-day live seminar with lab)
  6. Releasing the Frozen Shoulder (including clinical practice guidelines) (2 hr.)
  7. Orthopedic Manual Therapy for Low Back Pain-(2 hour webinar or 1-day lab)
  8. Clinical Practice Guidelines for Low Back Pain (2 hr.)
  9. Trigger Points Fast N Easy! (2 hours)
  10. See the Light at the End of the Carpal Tunnel: Manual Therapy & Clinical Practice Guidelines to Promote Function (2 hours)
  11. Integrative Pain Management: Relieving Pain Naturally (2-3 hr.)
  12. Cupping Therapy Intro: Clinical Use of Tools for Scars and Stiffness (3 hr.)
  13. Cupping Therapy Clinician (1-2-day live seminar with lab or home study)
  14. Myofascial Release Clinical Applications (1-day lab or 4 hr. home study)
  15. Myofascial Release Clinician 2-day live seminar with lab)
  16. Releasing the Frozen Shoulder (including clinical practice guidelines) (2 hr.)
  17. Orthopedic Manual Therapy for Low Back Pain-(2 hour webinar or 1-day lab)
  18. Clinical Practice Guidelines for Low Back Pain (2 hr.)
  19. Trigger Points Fast N Easy! (2 hours)
  20. See the Light at the End of the Carpal Tunnel: Manual Therapy & Clinical Practice Guidelines to Promote Function (2 hours)
  21. Manual Therapy for Tension Headaches: It’s Not All in your Head!
  22. Flex-Ability: Gain Mobility Fast with Muscle Energy/PNF (2 hr.)
  23. Neurodynamic Approach to Neural Tension Syndromes, Upper Extremity
  24. Neurodynamic Approach to Neural Tension Syndromes, Lower Extremity
  25. Clinical Practice Guidelines for Neck Pain (2 hr)
  26. Maximizing Mobility & Fitness with Myofascial Release (2 hr.)
  27. Positional Release (Strain-counterstrain Foundations) (2 hr.)
  28. Examination and Management of Temporomandibular Joint Disorders with a Focus on Manual Therapy (2-3 hr. or 6 hr.)
  29. Chronic Pain: Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain (2 hr.)
  30. Manual Therapy for Post-Concussion Headache (2 hour webinar)
  31. Integrated Neuromuscular Re-Education: Muscle Energy & Positional Release (1 day lab or 4 hr. home study)
  32. Geriatric Balance Examination and Interventions (1-day lab or 3 hr. home study)
  33. Geriatric Integrated Functional Therapy: GIFT: Examination and Interventions to Maximize Results (2-day lab)
  34. Muscle Energy for the Lumbar Spine, SI Joint and Pelvis (2-day lab or 8 hr. home study)
  35. Evidence-based Myofascial Release with Craniosacral Therapy (1 day lab or 4 hr. home study)
  36. Getting Patients Back to Work after Work Injury- Tests, Tips & Tricks (2 hr.)
  37. Reiki Certification, Level 1, 2, ART, and Master Practitioner (1 to 3-day live or online course)
  38. Energetic Intelligence- Down to Earth Applications of Current Biofield Research (2 hr.)
  39. Mindfulness for Health and Fitness (1-2 hr.)

Note: some boards have a slightly different title for a course, the content remains the same.

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